Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Acum si in lumea copiilor: cover sau plagiat?

Am fost recent cu fetita mea la un spectacol cu Gasca Zurlii, caci auzise de la colegii de gradinita de cantecelele lor. Iar unul din hiturile acestei trupe este o melodie foarte ritmata, dar care are ca versuri doar niste cuvinte fara niciun sens: "a ram sam sam":

Socul a fost insa cand ne-am intalnit recent cu o prietena din UK care a recunoscut cantecelul pe care il fredona fetita mea. E un cantec pe care il stia de acum mai bine de 30 de ani, pe cand era si ea la gradinita si la scoala. Un cantec despre fast-food (pe vremea cand aceasta mancare era la moda si in vest): Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds.

Pai bine mai Gasca Zurli, tocmai cantece despre fast-food v-ati apucat si voi sa plagiati? Csf, ncsf...

Friday, November 03, 2017

Luna si noi

Despre asta este vorba: "Ce-ar fi sa plecam intr-o excursie, noi amandoi? Sa pornim o aventura, numai noi doi?"

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Mihail, Who Are You?

So, I stumble one day on this addictive song.

Then I start wondering who is this singer and I find out that he has another hit from three years ago. I know both of them from the radio, but often I don't bother about identifying who is the actual singer, the name of the song and so on. But when you have multiple hits it means there is some serious talent at play. Well done, Mihail Sandu!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Light a Candle for Peace

Now that I have a girl at kinder garden I learned that on 21st of September we celebrate peace day. The kids sing on this day a beautiful song about peace, but I thought it is a good way to celebrate peace for adults too. So here is it:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dark Necessities

I must have been very busy for the last year or so since only yesterday I discovered this RHCP song which was released in June 2016. It's very nice, so I put it on repeat to catch up :)

Monday, May 22, 2017

We Singing Colors - Out Of The City

Thanks to Shazam I can share this gem I just heard on the radio today. Where were you hiding all those years, you beautiful song :) Enjoy!

Friday, January 06, 2017


After a long movie break I managed to see one during this holiday season. Arrival is not the standard SF movie, as it is not packed with action and special effects. It's rather a philosophical story about communication and how a language can shape our mind. What is more weird is that after seeing the movie I realized I read the book on which it is based a few years ago. It is a short story and I wrote about it at that moment here. The screenplay was adapted and the focus of the movie is on the interaction between civilizations and not on the personal story of Louise which is actually the key. I read the book once again after seeing the movie and, strangely, they complement somehow and you understand better both of them in the end.

So my advice is to consume both, no moderation here :)